Sunday, April 12, 2015

Registration and Other Sudden Events

My week began with registering for new classes. I don’t know how other schools do it, but here at the Marshall Wythe Law School, initial registration lasts about a minute. Imagine 200+ students all anxiously refreshing the registration website just before 8:00 in the morning, then frantically typing in class ID numbers in hopes of claiming a seat in the most popular courses before they’re filled up.

It’s a little ridiculous and more stressful than the situation warrants.

It was, however, nicer this year than last year. As a rising 3L, I was part of the first skirmish for classes (the 2Ls get to scrounge for what’s left the next day) and I only ended up on one wait list. First pick for the graduating class is some consolation for having less than 60 seconds to register.

Spring seems to have happened just as suddenly as registration this year. One day, the trees in general were still a collection of late winter brown sticks. The next day, there were little leaves poking out everywhere and the predominant landscape color was green. The trees still have a lot of growing to do before they completely obscure the view, but spring is in full flow.

The other indication of spring is the birds. I woke up the other day to a bird outside my window doing a pretty good impression of an alarm clock (in my mind, it was MY alarm clock – it might have been a mockingbird).

In other good news, my to do list for the rest of the semester now fits on one Post-it note. That is an unduly simplified image of the amount of work I have left, but it feels good to see it all in one compact list.

Four more weeks and then it will be summer. Whew.

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